
“Art for me is life itself. I’ve been exposed to the passion of creation ever since I can remember. Over the years I’ve created all that captures my imagination and my spirit. Upon maturing as a person and as an artist, I’ve come to the realization that art flows in me, and is part of my complete self.”

Heli has traveled and lived in Europe in her 20’s, where she studied art and acquired expertise in leading galleries, in the streets, in the communities, and even through people she met in coffee shops. It all flowed and inspired her hunger for the arts. She started creating, from the deepest recesses of her soul, she explains, and allowed the spirit to flow through her fingers, and find itself expressed in every piece of art, exploring freedom, creation, design and passion.

“When I create, I connect to my inner intuition, and wait for the magic to be revealed upon the canvas. It is a spiritual experience.”

Every art piece created by the studio is intended to be used as a decorative centerpiece in various spaces, for different rooms and different sizes, as the interior design requires. The studio collections are intended to be a use guide to select complimentary pieces.

HELI ROZ – When Art Meets the Heart
It is our mission to awaken emotion and make the heart expand with every piece.